Football coach – scouter, UEFA A UEFA Elite Youth, Head Coach U15, U17 Shanghai JJS FC

Pedro Moutinho Viera

Pedro Moutinho Viera is an 46 years ex football player and now professional football Coach. During his 15 years career he has worked in many clubs such as: Sport club Castelo de Maia, Partonense FC , Beleneses, Benfica Academy in Oporto and the last two years he was in China working for Sanghai Jujusports FC responsible for ages U15,U17 and scout of young talents.


“Individual Training program for elite players“

Pedro Moutinho Viera will saw us how elite teams work individually and in small groups players with the goal of becoming their new generation of stars.

Contact Us

Elena Panagi, T: +306945580556, Ε: [email protected]
Elena Kalogritsa, Τ: +30 210 661 7777, (εσωτ. 122) E: [email protected] 
Pantelis Boussias, Τ: +30 6942 926 225 E: [email protected]


  338, Kleisthenous Str. 15344, Gerakas, Attiki, Greece
  +30 210 6617777
  +30 210 6617778